The Most Common Dental Issues for Children According to a Camelback Pediatric Dentist

Kids Dental Office in Camelback

Children are often on the go and very active, which can lend itself to some common dental problems that children might face throughout their early years. This is a good reason why regularly visiting a kid’s dental office in Camelback is such a good idea.

The development of baby teeth and their care directly affects adult teeth later in life. Therefore, it’s imperative that if you see any of these problems with your child’s teeth, you reach out to a pediatric dental specialist in Camelback right away.

Chipped, Cracked, or Broken Teeth

Dental emergencies can happen in a blink of an eye, especially in children. Kids’ sports or simply playing on the playground can lead to falls and teeth problems. Whether a child’s tooth is still connected or completely knocked out, it’s imperative that you call a pediatric dental specialist in Camelback immediately to try and save the tooth.

In some cases, the tooth can be saved, and in other cases, your child will still need care for pain and to make sure that the socket, jaw, and surrounding teeth are okay. A pediatric orthodontist in Camelback will be able to check the alignment and development to make sure your child’s smile continues to be healthy and bright.

Kids Dental Office in Camelback


Cavities have become so prevalent that most people think of them as part of a childhood experience. However, there are ways to keep cavities to a minimum. Keeping children’s teeth brushed regularly can be a struggle for parents. Kids that are on the move and want to play rarely want to stop to brush their teeth.

However, regular brushing is imperative to the health of your child’s teeth. With the holidays behind us, it’s easier to stick to a healthier diet lower in sugar and get back to healthier habits. This includes a regular brushing schedule and visits to your kids dental office in Camelback.


A child rarely develops a perfectly straight smile without the help of orthodontics. Genetics, accidents, and development issues all play a huge role in how your child’s mouth, teeth, and jaw form. Most children start the use of orthodontics between 10-14 years old.

Two issues parents face with orthodontics are seeing their child in pain from adjustments and affordability. This is why many dentists in the area are AHCCCS kids dentist in Camelback, which helps reduce costs of regular orthodontic visits and help break down the barrier for parents who are reluctant to invest in dental care for their children.

Kids Dental Office in Camelback

With The Kids Dental Office of Phoenix & Orthodontics, one of the top kids dental offices in Camelback, our specialists attend an extra two years of training to focus on treating children specifically for dental needs. Protecting the health and safety of our patients are our top priorities, which is why we are open to all dental procedures and emergencies.

Give us a call today at (602) 903-4894 or visit our website to book an appointment. We look forward to making your child’s next dental procedure as enjoyable as possible!
